Lots of Love Family Home Daycare Halifax NS
Where Great Minds Are Born
Our goal at Lots of Love Family Home Daycare Halifax NS is to prepare children for the next stage of their lives through the development of motor abilities, thinking skills and healthy interactions with their peers. Keep reading to learn more!
Hi Mom’s & Dad’s
Daycare Hours & Daily Schedule
Monday –Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Listed below is our daily schedule for the children
Early birds arrive
quiet activity reading or colouring
till all children arrive for daily schedule
• free play
crafts/paperwork, basic writing/numbers (Y…story time)
outdoor Weather permitting (songs /dress-up, exercise, dancing when raining)
puzzles, independent reading, wash up for lunch
lunch is served
toilet/wash hands after lunch
prepare children for quiet time
(Children who do not sleep, quiet activities)
Paperwork for older children
Circle time for younger children,
Outdoors, weather permitting
Free play
Quiet activity till pick-up